Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Tomorrow is the day...

I sit here tonight eating more meat...so glad I just ate that last meal. Tomorrow I can't wait to eat a bunch of carbs & sugar. Oh boy tomorrow.....how I have so many mixed feelings running thru my head. I struggle to digest all of these emotions. I am ready to have answers,  but at the same time I'm not ready to know. The 5 beast that are in my neck, do they have anymore family members? Did the spread anywhere else? Can they operate??? After speaking with my doctor guess I interpreted the surgeon wanting to see me into he can operate.  Possibility is still on the table if surgery is ahead or not. So many questions, needing answers. My heart aches tonight as my life runs thru my head. Nights like this make being on different shifts with Ken very loney. But just like I always do I will put my big girl panties on and suck it up......3 pm tomorrow just can't get here fast enough!!!!

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