Sunday, September 29, 2013

Right before....

So as time has moved forward and as I have not taken any heavy pain meds for 3 days now my brain is no longer foggy and I have been able to learn more about surgery day. This morning Ken & I were talking about our brief meeting with the surgeon just prior to me going back. I had decided that I was ok with leaving the tumor if it meant keeping my arm. If given a choice I wanted to keep living the way I knew how, fully. The surgeon said the loss of my arm was his biggest concern as well. But leaving the tumor just wasn't an option. I said, "alrighty then let's get this party started!" I was never afraid and truly was at peace with life. Living up to my saying that I am not allowed to stress over something that I have no power to change. When looking life in the eyes I knew no matter where this adventure was about to go that I'd face it all head on. Ken explained that exact moment as the scariest in his whole life. I am really thankful I wasn't looking at him during that talk as he was behind me. I am so glad my army was able to distract him for the next hour. I am in amazement by God's presence & power to go before and to have such a clear direction and for the tumors to be able to be pealed away WITHOUT cutting my nerves. God is good and I truly give Him the glory. I feel like I was given a third chance at life. My strength is almost completely back. I get exhausted pretty easy and my voice starts to fad if I talk too long. But I can't stop smiling.  Life is good. I pray radiation in November will just be a crazy appointment I gotta go to and that I will continue to work even during. Because I can't stop having a purpose or that means I have given up. There will be time for rest if I need it, and I will listen to my body, not to mention I have this team of medical staff that will not let me push too far. I can't imagine being in a more beautiful spot right now. Life is good my it fully with lots of laughter! !♥

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