Thursday, September 19, 2013


Well here we are the day of surgery. I am wide awake because my internal alarm clock says its time to get up for work. How I wish today was a normal day and I was getting up to go to my job that I love. I enjoy every minute of helping others. I have learned to stop saying "that's ok, I don't need anything. " And am now saying,  "I'm not going to tell you no, you do what you need to ." It took me a very long time to get to being able to accept help and figure out people are doing it because they care and need to for themselves.  Seems like such a simple concept,  but so hard for this stubborn lady. I am so much better at giving then receiving.  There's a party today that I really wish I didn't have to sleep heart is so touched with love as part of my Army will physically be with me today at the hospital. My husband, son, daughter,  mother, Great Aunt, Great Uncle, my girlfriend from jr high/sr high & Kenny (our friend who is responsible for Ken & I ever meeting). With more of my Army coming thru out my best friend,  nurse friends, my old boss & co-worker/amazing friend. I can't even begin to describe how this touches the depth of my heart. Thru life at times it's easy to wonder who would really be there in your time of need. Let me tell you learning this answer for real blows my socks off. I have no room at all to ever wonder that question.  I am covered in so much prayers & love that it's better then pixie dust and I honestly can fly. I am not nervous this morning,  not even a slight tummy ache. I know who goes before me and who carries me. My faith has grown stronger, my love for life is more intense,  my friendships have proven their depths....I am truly blessed. No matter todays outcome I will still be smiling.  I have erased the words "I can't! " and my heart is ready to push thru any obstacle thrown at me.....because I will only fail if I don't try. Thank you for being my Army or maybe I should say Thank you for being my Navy Strong my friends Navy Strong!  Thank you for having my back! I love you!!♥


  1. God is with you today, and is holding your hand through the surgery. YOu are on my prayer lists!

  2. As I see you all wrapped up in the blanket, I am picturing God wrapping you in His arms as you go through this surgery today. Love you!
