Sunday, September 8, 2013

Pushing through

Have you ever had one of those mornings where something is trying to keep you from getting to church? That was our house this morning. First we woke up at 10 am, church starts at 11. Phone rings and it's the nursing home. Mother n law couldn't get her new phone to work. Then the dog had an accident.  Mary wasn't ready, good thing she could drive herself. Next the toilet backed up. And frustration was very apparent.  So I said we are going to church! Told mother n law we'd be over in a few hours. Cleaned up the dog and put her in her cage. And said the toilet could wait as I wasn't gonna risk smelling like a toilet.  We made it to church right on time and Mary was just 5 minutes late. An example of pushing through and ending up in a good place. I had each of my kids holding on to my hand and it warmed my heart knowing how important I am in their lives. Something that really is taken for granted at times. I wondered if I am really going to be unable to hold both their hands again. Will I be able to lift my voice and sing along? How is it that I have taken these simple things for granted? Why haven't I been more thankful? I left church in peace and joy as I watched both my children climb into Mary's car as a team. Why this whole cancer disruption just sucks....the closeness it has grown makes this mama smile. ♥

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