Monday, July 15, 2013

Mixed emotions.....

I am completely refreshed and yet exhausted...while my head had such a well needed forget everything break...I find myself at the end of this trip back into the thinking too much mind set...airports bring the past, present & future into my mind as I sit and people watch and get lost in my own world. Why my life sure has been one full of so many adventures,  for what I am grateful....has it turned into my childhood dreams? But then again could I have even come close to dreaming this life? I am so thankful for having a man who allows me to be me and run off from life time and time again.  I know this is a rare trait and one I promise I don't take for granted. He laughs at me going to see some hotties but honestly I know I have my own Chippendale at home...I love that at 44 years old I can still admire one hot sexy body daily.....the show was great but it made me miss my man more then anything....especially when they came out in their Navy dress whites....yum!!! A man in uniform melts me still. I do love my life and love that I am still an independent, crazy & fun loving as always....our futures are not written,  but our pasts are in the present,  because it's a gift to enjoy to the fullest.  ♥

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