Saturday, July 13, 2013

A cure for escaping reality.....a trip with a friend

Since March my life has been non stop between a switch to electronic medical records at work, moving my mother n law from Virginia to a nursing home by us in Washington,  my daughter graduating from high school, dealing with our 4 legged 11 year old baby illness and death, learning and preparing to deal with my cancer and just the everyday business of life. I try to keep my life full of fun but the drama on a down low. But goodness I feel like it's been nothing but drama. In an attempt to run away from reality, I have escaped to Vegas with my girlfriend from high school.....just what I needed.

After just one day away my head is free from thinking and always being one step ahead. We all need to take a break from life just to be able to function better. I can't even begin to describe how free I feel.

So my flight here was one for the books....ya all know me I talk to everybody.  Well the couple I sat next to on the plane I'm pretty sure they noticed nothing. No hellos no eye contact.  Ok I can be quiet and after only 2 hours sleep I did need a nap. But first I needed a barf bag....not one opposed to PDA but when your in public and acting like your in a room behind closed doors, it's just a tad too much. I felt like I was stuck in a bad porno movie and couldn't get out. I almost offered some I really don't get embarrassed too easily,  but I was blushing for them!! But hey guess it was a good jump start to escaping reality.

This trip so far has been full of lots of deep belly giggles, fantastic people watching,  a couple naps, sleeping in, eating some amazing food, drinking a free shot right outta the bottle from a sexy man standing on the bar.....really a perfect escape from reality. Oh Vegas even with your scorching heat you are working your magic....well except the

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