Thursday, December 5, 2013

Crying over Food

Did I really just cry over food? Man who am I? I have been mostly living on oatmeal, granola, fruit & coconut milk. Safe to say I'd be surprised if I am even consuming 600 calories a day. Tonight I came home cut up some veggies to go with my special Indian rice and went to grab the sodium free turkey to add to my concoction and the turkey was MIA. So I call Ken at work and he & Mary ate it....I totally busted out in tears. How wrong of me to get so emotional over food. I was so let down because I was excited to just have food. Needless to say I had already cut up mushrooms & celery.  So I took 4 egg whites cooked them up. Took 1/2 stick of unsalted butter melted it in the wok, added veggies, NON-iodized salt, pepper, rice and cut up egg whites....fried it up. Funny is it turned out so yummy I ate 2 bowls. Then I felt foolish for crying over missing food. Trying to look for I will focus on the fact I am now more then half way...I am down 8 pounds in a week and my new pants are falling off and so is my wedding ring. I grabbed my daughter's winter coat out of the closet this morning and zipping up a size small toasty warm coat did make me grin. I am finding it harder to stay focused and put my headsets on my ears at work to keep me from getting distracted.  But SQUIRREL's sure like to jump at me. ;)


  1. Dawnelle, as you know, PTSD comes out in the weidest ways. And yes, you have PTSD with what you have been going through the past couple months. This is the FOOD SEASON, and you can't have all that CRAP that we all seem to jingle in front of everyone on our posts! I took a spiral ham for Thanksgiving and couldn't eat it! I have lost 25 pounds through what I have been through this past month but am trying to look at the good side of it. My brother keeps me in check. He died a long slow miserable death of cancer in the peritineum. Every bite of food went to his cancer and he was in MISERY with every bite. I was with him when the doctor told him he could not ever eat a bite of food!....EVER!! We all were horrified, and I think of that when I get on my "pity pot" over my diet restrictions. Go through your emotions, and get it out. Explain to your loved ones that you are not blaming them for your out bursts! (The pigs)!! hahahahah kidding! My prayers are with you my friend. Some day I hope to meet you in person to give you a great big hug!

    1. Thanks Phyllis! I'm pretty sure our paths will cross on this island when we least expect it. :) How horrible for your brother! Food is EVERYWHERE right now and as I miss out on holiday treats I remind myself I will be grateful for not putting on the pounds. I ate half a container of Haugen Daus Sorbet yesterday at work to get me over the wanting of a goodie. Way to go on 25 pounds....looking at the positive thru the bad helps for sure. How are you feeling?? Thanks for your prayers my friend.

    2. Thanks Phyllis! I'm pretty sure our paths will cross on this island when we least expect it. :) How horrible for your brother! Food is EVERYWHERE right now and as I miss out on holiday treats I remind myself I will be grateful for not putting on the pounds. I ate half a container of Haugen Daus Sorbet yesterday at work to get me over the wanting of a goodie. Way to go on 25 pounds....looking at the positive thru the bad helps for sure. How are you feeling?? Thanks for your prayers my friend.

  2. Hi girlfriend! I've cried over food myself...Andy and I started eating (mostly) paleo (google it) a few months ago and I have cried over not wanting to eat what I myself made. It just wasn't good. Although most of the time what I make is just different from what I am used to and want! But I've lost 10 lbs in under 3 months (20 in 1 1/2 years from my high weight) and am almost down to my goal! I know it is hard to not get to eat what you want..but you can do it!
