Friday, May 29, 2015

It's almost time

It's finally time to find out if my treatment worked or not. On Monday I will be having an ultrasound on my neck, blood work, as well as a CT of my lungs and their polkadots. The neck ultrasound will be measuring my known cancer mass. The goal was that the alcohol shrunk it's size. While it doesn't make it fully go away, if we shrunk the slow growing cancer we will repeat ablation in 2 years. If it shrunk only a little then we inject again soon. If it didn't shrink at all, then we talk surgery again. As far as my lungs, if the masses have grown in the last 2 years...well honestly I don't know what the plan is with them anymore. 2 years ago they talked about external beam radiation. I would assume that if they have only grown a little that we would just keep watching them. The rate of growth vs the exposure to treatment... So yeah let's not go there until we have to. How am I really doing? I try and put on a mask every day. I don't really know how well I have successfully pulled off my disguise. My body is screaming with exhaustion. But I have mentally made the choice to just keep swimming. One step at a time. I have really enjoyed working less and sitting in the stands cheering on my son....what perfect timing and excitement. So my plan is to piggyback on to his winnings this Monday...his goal is to win the mile again, and mine is to win my scans. My selfish prayer is that my energy comes back soon...but my heart prayer is still that God's will be done and that I keep my brain from the yucky train all weekend long. Something shifts once you actual have your tests scheduled. Which just happened yesterday. Tonight is Relay for Life and this year will be extra special as my Mom, Ken, Mary and Danny will all be there with me. Such an amazing celebration that I am looking forward to. There's something pretty amazing being a fighter, survivor and embracing patients of present and past, and extra special hugs when you come around the corner and embrace a family member of patients we lost too soon. Oh my heart is so warm and fuzzy. ♡