Sunday, November 24, 2013


With Thanksgiving approaching I am trying to focus on what to be thankful for, even though I could seriously get lost in the world of doubt. On Thanksgiving my no sodium diet begins....I had no clue how much sodium is in everything...reading labels is rather frightening.  Do you know there's even sodium in shampoo & body washes? I keep reminding myself to be thankful that this diet is for only 2 weeks and not a lifetime allergy. Days of quick foods & mochas will be temporarily gone....and planning ahead will be vital. Attitude is everything,  right?? I joke at work as right now I am that patient who is living in her denial stage. My plan is to have my scan on Dec. 12th and for the 2 spots in my lungs NOT to light up and scream hello, I am your thyroid cancers sister. And then I can cancell my radiation treatment on Friday and just have 6 month check ups to monitor that nothing is growing.  Because I will choose not to treat the remaining thyroid tissue. The risk for lymphoma & leukemia just isn't worth it. I know I know we don't know how this will all turn out....but a girl can dream and besides I still believe in miracles! Wouldn't it be amazing to walk out of my scan with not one little light up and to be completely cancer free?? I believe this is possible and pray for God's will! (Even if His plan is different then mine.)

So as Thanksgiving approaches I have so much thankfulness in my heart....Thankful for my 3rd chance at life, my family, my friends, my love of cooking, laughter, happiness and even trials. Life isn't always easy....but I am pretty sure if it was I would miss out on being thankful.